Great to keep it in loop
I love this one too, it feels very pleasant, and really transmits a sense of satisfaction, makes me think of people using this piece for the ending of a game, animation, movie, etc. or happy parts of games. It really stans for it's title.
At 1:55 you brought me a smile, I love how it speeds up. Is this one made with sibelius too? it sounds with better reverb and echo, if it's the same program, maybe it's the melody that makes it feel different. It's wonderful.
Wow man, a studio? That's any musician's dream, have a lot of fun there! I'm sure your pieces will sound more beautiful with a studio recording, can't wait to hear those coming version.
Btw, what's the Mac 9 competition? is it an event in your country? or the web? I don't know about it =( but I'm sure you'll do great, you have my support al the way.
See ya!