Hi! I love making music (mostly piano). If you ever need a music track, a cover, or an original, please feel free to send me a pm or write me at my email: javi_psicoloco@hotmail.com

Age 42, Male

Music ,Psychology


Joined on 5/21/04

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Jabicho's News

Posted by Jabicho - November 15th, 2022

Link de descarga/Download link:



(If you use headphones I'm sure the experience will be better :) )

This piece is called " Beyond Time and Memories" And is an original composition I made for a friend. The idea behind this song is friendship, how it can overcome any obstacle and last beyond time and memories, even if we're far away from each other physically, friends are always close to you, in your heart.

The Illustration is made by Rox T.V., she's a very talented artist and I'm very happy and thankful for the drawing she made for this video. Please give her a visit, I'm sure you'll love her art as much as I do. You can find her page here:


Hope you like this song!



(Si usas audifonos, te aseguro que la experiencia sera mejor :) )

Esta pieza se llama "Beyond Time and Memories" (Más Allá del Tiempo y los Recuerdos) y es una composición original que hice para una amiga. La idea detrás de esta canción, es la amistad, como puede superar cualquier obstáculo y perdurar más allá del tiempo y los recuerdos, incluso si estamos lejos del otro físicamente, los amigos siempre están cerca a ti, en tu corazón.

La ilustración está hecha por Rox T.V., ella es una muy talentosa artista y estoy muy feliz y agradecido por el dibujo que hizo para este video. Por favor denle una visita a su página, estoy seguro de que les encantará su arte como a mi. Pueden encontrar su página aquí:


Espero que les guste esta canción!



Posted by Jabicho - November 8th, 2019

Hi everyone! This is a Cover of CardCaptor Sakura "Tobira wo Akete". Made in collaboration wth the amazing and talented Evi Aensland. Please take some time to visit her channel she's super talented and has amazing music! :D.

The Voice is from Evi, and the instrumental part is made by me.

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to CardCaptor Sakura "Tobira wo Akete" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/891652

You can find Evi's Youtube channel in:


Take care everyone, See ya!



Posted by Jabicho - May 18th, 2019

Hi everyone! I just finished a new cover, it's from "The Little Mermaid - Under The Sea"

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "The Little Mermaid - Under The Sea" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/863635

And here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jabicho82

Don't forget to leave me a comment to know what you think about it.

Take care everyone, See ya!



Posted by Jabicho - May 3rd, 2019

Hi everyone! I just finished a new cover, it's from "Ratatouille (Camille) - Le Festin"

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "Ratatouille (Camille) - Le Festin" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/861234

And here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jabicho82

Don't forget to leave me a comment to know what you think about it.

Take care everyone, See ya!



Posted by Jabicho - April 27th, 2019

Hi everyone! I just finished a new cover, it's from "Card Captor Sakura - Groovy!"

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "Card Captor Sakura - Groovy!" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/860345

And here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jabicho82

Don't forget to leave me a comment to know what you think about it.

Take care everyone, See ya!




Posted by Jabicho - April 19th, 2019

Hi everyone! I just finished a new cover, it's from "New Cover!: "John Legend - All of Me"

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "John Legend - All of Me" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/858909

And here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jabicho82

Don't forget to leave me a comment to know what you think about it.

Take care everyone, See ya!


Posted by Jabicho - April 19th, 2019

Hi everyone! I just finished a new cover, it's from "New Cover!: "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) - Nanairo Symphony"

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) - Nanairo Symphony" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/857790

And here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jabicho82

Don't forget to leave me a comment to know what you think about it.

Take care everyone, See ya!


Posted by Jabicho - April 8th, 2019

Hi everyone! I just finished a new cover, it's from "New Cover!: "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) - Kirameki"

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) - Kirameki" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/857014

And here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jabicho82

Don't forget to leave me a comment to know what you think about it.

Take care everyone, See ya!


Posted by Jabicho - April 2nd, 2019

Hi everyone! I just finished a new cover, it's from "New Cover!: "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso - My Truth Rondo Capriccioso (Your Lie in April)"

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso - My Truth Rondo Capriccioso (Your Lie in April)" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/856008

And here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jabicho82

Don't forget to leave me a comment to know what you think about it.

Take care everyone, See ya!


Posted by Jabicho - August 6th, 2018

Hi everyone! This is a Cover of "Escaflowne - Call Your Name".  Made in collaboration wth the talented Paula (The Maaya Project Argentina). Please take some time to visit her channel she's super talented and has amazing music! :D.

The Voice is from Paula, and the instrumental part is made by me.

You can find the mp3 in the audio portal along with the download link, here:

Click here to listen to "Escaflowne - Call Your Name" Cover: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/818592

Also, I uploaded an "instrumental only" version here in the audio portal, in case you want the track for Karaoke:

Click here for the instrumental version: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/561034

You can find Paula's Youtube channel in:


Take care everyone, See ya!
